Bringing parents and schools together improve the social and academic success of children. This is the reason why workshops are developed and are endorsed by nurseries and schools. Parent workshops in school cover a variety of topics that are interesting to parents and takes place within the native and familiar environment of the school community. In workshops, dedicated teachers And staff Teach skills and strategies that can help their children grow in resilience and confidence. School workshops can help them be involved in the studies and Activities of their children. Parents have to balance both work and children.
What do parent workshops teach us?
Parent workshops held at I Dream Career can help the children in academic, sporting and artistic endeavors. Parent workshop also shows the parents how to get children to communicate more, corporate more, persevere and try out new things in their life. With the strategies and skills that are taught here, you have a positive impact on your child who in turn does well socially and academically.
Workshops can range from 90 to 60 minutes with a group size around 20 to 100. After the workshops finish, parents returned to the school often to get in touch with the teachers and experience the change in their lives. This helps but the teachers learn about the different successes in school and improve the friendships between teachers, parents and their children.
The problem that it solves
Children nowadays are subjected to lots of media. This can cause them to be affected by what is shown to them, and they might learn the wrong things. This might negatively affect them so families have to know how to deal with it. Incidents of bullying, put-downs, intolerance, exclusion and not reacting to disciplinary measures can cause them to grow up negatively. This mistreatment might develop more and more and be harder to identify and solve. That is why parents need to take part in their children’s lives and learn more about them through parent workshops
What kind of parent workshops are there?
There are several different workshops that are suited for what you want to learn. You can start from the primary years to help your child in the early stages. There are workshops like positive discipline, fostering harmony between siblings, helping children cope with life’s knocks, raising children, body image, confident children et cetera et cetera.
Then there are teenage years which are quite difficult for the parents. You can join workshops for preparing for the teenagers, communicating with your adolescents And teaching them about boundaries.
There also workshops for school teachers. Teachers are no doubt educated and are professionals in their field but stimulating a class for development is much harder. These workshops ensure that they can teach learning tasks to the children, learn to communicate with them and interact with them. Teaching staffs also tell us that they find disciplining children very difficult, so parent workshops in school teach management of behavior and techniques that ensure discipline is positive and effective.
In conclusion, we find that parent workshops in school have a positive and long-lasting effect of your children.
Name= Idream Career
Address= A-16, Green Park Main, New Delhi - 110016, Landmark - Next to Aurobindo market on the service lane next to Mosque.
Contact No.=+91-9555990000
Email= Support@idreamcareer